Biology, asked by apereira5395, 1 year ago

Classification of bacteria like archaebacteria qnd eubacteria


Answered by chaudharivn14
Biological and Morphological Classification of Microorganisms

Let us make an in-depth study of the biological and morphological classification of microorganisms.

Biological Classification of Microorganisms:

Microorganisms may be defined as living creatures that are microscopic in size and relatively small, unicellular in structure. The diameter of the smallest body that can be resolved and seen clearly with the naked eye is about 100 µ (1 µ, or micron = 0.001 millimeter). All microorganisms are smaller than 100 µ.

Therefore, a microscope is necessary for the observation. Light microscope can resolve down to 0.2 n in diameter and thus includes all microbes except viruses which can be seen only under electron microscope whose limit of resolution is 0.0005 µ (i.e., 0.5 mµ = millimicron = 5 Angstrom Units).

One Angstrom Unit = 1/10th of 1 mµ. When microorganisms grow on solid or semi-solid media, their progenies accumulate locally to form masses or colonies which are visible to the naked eye. Microorganisms constitute a very antique group of living organisms which appeared on the Earth’s surface almost 1.5 billion years ago. Some scientists believe that the microbes were the first living microorganisms Of the Earth.

It is now regarded that the organisms evolved along the following lines:

Viruses containing Ribonucleic acid (RNA), Viruses containing Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA), chlamydiae, rickettsiae, mycoplasma, bacteria, blue-green algae, lower and higher fungi, plants and animals. In order to decide to which species the microorganism under investigation should belong, it is necessary, first of all, to study its main properties and then to identify it by these properties, and at last to determine its position in the classification of microbes according to a key.

In microbiology, the binomial system of nomenclature is accepted where each species has a generic and a specific name. The generic name is written with a capital letter and the specific name with a small letter. For example, Staphylococcus aureus (the golden pus coccus), Bacillusanthracis (the anthrax bacillus), Corynebacterium diphtheria (the diphtheria bacillus), Mycobacterium tuberculosis (the tubercle bacillus).

International classification founded by an American bacteriologist, D. Bergey, is the most commonly used in microbiology. It is manual of determinative bacteriology. It includes descriptions of more than 1,500 species of microbes, though there are more than 3,000 known species of bacteria.

All lower organisms of the plant kingdom, Protophyta, are subdivided into three classes:

Class I:

Schizophyceae(blue-green algae);

Class II:

Schizomycetes (microorganisms lacking chlorophyll);

Class III:

Microtatobiotes (rickettsiae, viruses, filterable microbes).

Class I.

Schizophyceae, consists of a large group of blue-green algae which are not pathogenic to man and animals.

Class II.

Schizomycetes comprises 10 orders of 5 of which (II, III, VI, VII, VIII) are non-pathogenic to man and animals. Certain families and genera of the orders I, IV, V, IX, X contain species pathogenic to man and animals.

Class II. Schizomycetes:

1. Order Pseudomonades (motile cells, with polar flagellation and non-motile cells).

7. Family Spirillaceae

1. Genus Vibrio

7. Genus Spirillum

2. Order Chlamydobacteriales (filamentous bacteria, motile and non-motile).

3. Order Hyphomicrobiales (bacteria multiplying mainly by budding).

4. Order Eubacteriales (true bacteria, rod- shaped, coccal-shaped, motile with flagella arranged peritrichously, and non-motile).

4. Family Enterobacteriaceae:

1. Genus Escherichia

2. Genus Aerobacter

3. Genus Klebsiella

8. Genus Proteus

9. Genus Salmonella

10. Genus Shigella

5. Family Bruceliaceae:

1. Genus Pasteur Ella

2. Genus Francis Ella

3. Genus Bordetella

4. Genus Brucella

5. Genus Haemophilus

6. Genus Actinobacillus

6. Family
Answered by Anonymous
 eubacteria is classified into photosynthetic autotrophic ,chemosynthetic autotrophic and heterotrophic bacteria .archaebacteria was classified into three methanogens thermoacidophiles and halophiles
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