Classification of cockroach up to species level
Different families of cockroach species in the order Blattodea are Anaplectidae, Blaberidae, Blattidae, Corydiidae, Cryptocercidae, Ectobiidae, Lampron Blattidae, Nocticolidae, Tryonicidae and others.
Following are the Classification of cockroach -
Kingdom - kingdom
Phylum - phylum Arthropoda
Subphylum - Hexapoda
Class - Hexapoda
Superorder - Dictyoptera
Order - animal order
Subclass - Pterygota
Infraclass - Neoptera
Different families of dictyopterous insect species within the order animal order area unit Anaplectidae, Blaberidae, Blattidae, Corydiidae, arthropod family, Ectobiidae, Lampron family Blattidae, Nocticolidae, Tryonicidae, and others.
As we know that the cockroach life cycle is comprised of three developmental phases, the egg, nymph, and adult stages. So, and as we know the Most cockroaches are oviparous their young grow in eggs outside of the mother's body