Classification of hazardous wastes..need answer immideietly..
Listed hazardous wastes: This type of waste has been specifically classified by different government organizations as hazardous. Materials are added into this classification every year after collating data from non-specific and specific sources. Strictly governed by different regulations and legislations, this waste type needs to be handled properly.
Characteristic hazardous wastes: Waste materials that exhibit characteristics like corrosiveness, ignitability, toxicity, and reactivity are generally classified under this waste type. Usually, materials are tested completely before being added to this category.
There are many businesses, which generate hazardous waste. Hospitals, automobile repair shops, garages, photo processing units and many similar places are the biggest generators of hazardous waste.
Both industrial and hazardous waste can be in any form. Due to their different types of emissions, their treatment and disposal procedure also needs to be different. However, a common mistake committed by several companies and industries is mixing all kinds of waste materials. When these materials reach a recycling center, it becomes impossible for them to process each and every waste product in them; and they usually discard the material that cannot be recycled at their end. Almost all the times, these discarded materials reach the landfills, which creates a huge problem for the surrounding area.
Proper segregation is required to ensure a better and efficient waste management program. Guidelines should be followed to ensure right classification of these waste types.
It is important to have a clear understanding of the nature of materials involved to discuss the techniques for its management. The understanding is not limited to the physical state or composition but also to a complete scheme of characterization that includes all information necessary for disposal or recycling after treatment.
A means of characterizing the waste is needed by the producer, disposer and the recycle. Practically, producer often does not have sufficient information, support, motivation or incentives to carry out treatment and/or disposal of hazardous waste and hence greater responsibility lies with the disposal contractor, if appointed for secured landfill out-side the company premises.
In order to help the producer, disposer and recycle in the identification of hazardous waste, United State Environment Protection Agency describe the testing of solid wastes for various hazard parameters such as corrosively, reactivity, ignitability as well as toxicity to designate the waste as hazardous