classification of plants according to there life span ?
Annuals: Annuals, as its name, completes their life cycle within a single season. They grow, bear fruit and die off in one season. Generally, a plant like herbs exhibits this type of life cycle. Examples are Mustard, rice, etc.
Biennials: Biennials are plants which end their life cycle at the end of the second season. They need two years to complete their entire growth. The first year they germinate, grow roots, stem and leaves; later in the second year they yield flowers and bear fruit. All herbs are not annuals, some are biennials like spinach. Along with herbs, biennials also include certain shrubs. Ex: Carrot, radish, etc.
Perennials: Perennials are vegetation having a life cycle of more than two seasons. Once they grow and start to produce fruits, they continue this cycle for a long period of time. They do not die after bearing fruit; they renew their parts, season after season. All trees belong to this category. Example, Mango, coconut trees, etc.