Geography, asked by jamnadasmordani51, 12 days ago

classification of resources on the basis of origin second world on the basis of exhaustibility are classification of resources first point on the basis of Oregon second point on the basis of exhaustibility third point on the basis of ownership forth point on the basis of status of development​


Answered by XIPUN


Resources on the basis of origin :-

(a) Biotic :- Those resources which are available in biosphere and have life such as human beings flora and fauna etc.

(b) Abiotic :- All those things which are non-living are called abiotic resources. For example,rocks, soils and minerals.

Resources on the Basis of Exhaustibility :-

(a) Renewable resources :- The resource which can be renewed are Renewable resources.For Example water, forest wind etc

(b) Non-renewable resources :- These resources occur over a very long time and get exhausted minerals and fossil fuels are examples of these resources

Answered by vs705775


Natural resources are classified on the basis of nature, stock, distribution, level of development and use :

On the basis of nature natural resources may be biotic or abiotic.

Biotic resources are living things such as useful plants and animals.

Abiotic resources are non - living things such as air and water.

On the basis of there stock natural resources may be renewable or non-renewable.

Renewable resources are those that will either never run out or those that are replaced within a reasonable period of time like water and trees.

Non-renewable resources are those that once used up cannot be replaced within a reasonable period of time like soil and fossil fuels.

On the basis of distribution natural resources may be ubiquitous or localised resources.

Resources that are found everywhere are called ubiquitous resources like sunlight and air.

Resources that are not found everywhere are called localised resources like fertile soil and metal ores.

On the basis of level of development and use natural resources may be actual or potential.

An actual resource is that whose existence has been proved and whose quality, quantity and location have been found.

Potential resource is that resources which have not yet been found or resources that may not be suitable for utilisation with available technology.

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