Biology, asked by sudheerks7337, 1 year ago

Classify different categories of existing plants and animals species based on the iucn


Answered by Anonymous


classification of Different categories of existing plants and animals species based on the IUCN:-


Normal Species :-

Species whose population levels are considered to be normal for their survival, such as cattle , sal ,pine ,etc.

Endangered Species :-

The species which are in danger of extinction. The survival of such species is difficult if the negative factors that have led to a decline in their population continue to operate cally endangered species.

such as black buck , crocodile, Indian wild etc.

Vulnerable species :-

The species whose population has declined to levels from where it is likely to move into the endangered category in the near future if the negative factors continue to operate.

example:- blue sheep , Asiatic elephant, Gangetic dolphin etc.

Rare species :-

species which have small population and may move into the endangered or vulenarable category if the negative factors affecting them continue operate.

Example:- brown bear, Wild Asiatic buffalo, desert fox etc.

Endemic species :-

The species which are only found in some particular areas usually isolated by natural or geographical barriers .

Example :- Andaman teal, Nicobar pigeon, Andaman wild pig etc.

Extinct species:-

These are species which are not found after searches of know or likely areas where they may occur. these species may be extinct from a local area , region, country or the entire earth.

Example:- Asiatic lion,pink head duck etc.


Answered by saswatisingh793


CLASSIFICATION - Method of grouping the living organisms on the basis of similarities and differences and arranging these groups systematically into closely retaled orders is called Classification.


1. Complexity\:of\:Cell\: StructureComplexityofCellStructure : The living world is divided into two subkingdoms -

(a) Prokaryota - It is having prokaryotic cells.

(b) Eukaryota - It is formed of eukaryotic cells.

Prokaryota is also called Monera.It includes Bacteria, Mycoplasma and Cyanobacteria (Blue - green algae).

2. Complexity\:of\:body\: StructureComplexityofbodyStructure : Eukaryotic organisms are two types :

(a) Unicellular Eukaryotes or Protista.

(b) Multicellular Eukaryotes.

3. Mode\:of\:NutritionModeofNutrition : Multicellular Eukaryotes are divided into three kingdoms :

kingdom PLANTAE with phototrophic nutrition; kingdom ANIMALIA with haterotrophic nutrition and kingdom FUNGI with saprophtic nutrition.

4. Trophic\:LevelTrophicLevel : All eukaryotes are also classified as :

(a) PRODUCERS - These are all green plants thst synthesis food from CO2 and H2O by the process of photosynthesis using solar energy.

(b) CONSUMERS - These are all animals which feed on plants or their parts,i.e., have heterotrophic nutrition.

(c) DECOMPOSERS - These are fungi and bacteria that feed an organic remains.

5. OrganisationOrganisation : Based on the complexity of body organisation, body design,morphological,physiological and genetic relationships,plants and animals are further classified into subphyla,class,order and so on.

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