Classify modes of entries- adits, inclines and shafts, applicability of entries.
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Definitions of Mining terms, Mineral based industries, Mining operations, modes of entry-
shaft, incline, adit-applicable conditions, Mining Methods used in coal and Metal mining,
Classification of the mineral deposits based on various factors, Classification of coal seams
based on various factors, Classification of methods of working-U/G Coal, OCM & Metal
Mining, , Bore(Drill) holes uses, Classification and various tools used in boring(Drilling),
Feed mechanism, Core recovery, Deviation of boreholes. Explosives- Characteristics,
classification, composition, properties, different explosives used in U/G, OCM, Metal and
coal mines, selection of explosives and types of initiation of explosives, Detonators- types,
constructional details, Blasting practice in Mines- terms, tools, sequence of shot firing, drill
patterns types, misfires, blown out shots, sockets, treatment of misfires, accidents due to
explosives and shot firing, preventive measures, Mine Gases- types, physical and chemical
properties, physiological effects and occurrence. Shaft sinking methods – sinking through
normal strata, Special methods of shaft sinking pilling, drop shaft method, cementation,
freezing method. Temporary, permanent lining of shafts, Support systems in Mining their
applicability and withdrawal of supports.
Definition of the term Geology, scope, uses of geology in Mining field, Branches of geology,
Age of the earth, origin of the earth-Nebular hypothesis of kant and Laplace, Physical
Geology, internal structure of earth, weathering, erosion, denudation, Attrition, Abrasion,
Earthquakes, its propagation, intensity, causes and effects of earthquakes. Valcanoes and its
classification,. Mineralogy-Physical characteristics of minerals, important mineral families,
industrial uses of important minerals; Occurrence and distribution in A.P and India. Petrology
- Classification of Rocks and its characteristics, structures and textures. Structural Geology,
folds,.faults, joints, unconformities. Geological time scale, major stratigraphical divisions of
India, Physio-graphic divisions of India, Economic Geology- Terms, processes of
mineralization and important economic minerals formed by these processes. Geological
prospecting- objectives, guide lines for location of mineral deposits in fields, methods of
Methods of working coal by Bord and pillar method - development, opening of districts
,different methods of development systems with machines and continuous miners,
depillaring. Methods of working coal by Longwall mining-Long wall advancing, longwall
retreating, applicabilities, merits, demerits, limitations. Special methods of working like
inclined slicing, horizontal slicing, blasting gallery, horizon mining. Stowing practice in
Definitions: Development of mineral deposits, levels, sublevels, Winzes and Raises etc.
Handling waste rock and mineral, Drilling and blasting, arrangement for loading,
Definitions of Mining terms, Mineral based industries, Mining operations, modes of entry-
shaft, incline, adit-applicable conditions, Mining Methods used in coal and Metal mining,
Classification of the mineral deposits based on various factors, Classification of coal seams
based on various factors, Classification of methods of working-U/G Coal, OCM & Metal
Mining, , Bore(Drill) holes uses, Classification and various tools used in boring(Drilling),
Feed mechanism, Core recovery, Deviation of boreholes. Explosives- Characteristics,
classification, composition, properties, different explosives used in U/G, OCM, Metal and
coal mines, selection of explosives and types of initiation of explosives, Detonators- types,
constructional details, Blasting practice in Mines- terms, tools, sequence of shot firing, drill
patterns types, misfires, blown out shots, sockets, treatment of misfires, accidents due to
explosives and shot firing, preventive measures, Mine Gases- types, physical and chemical
properties, physiological effects and occurrence. Shaft sinking methods – sinking through
normal strata, Special methods of shaft sinking pilling, drop shaft method, cementation,
freezing method. Temporary, permanent lining of shafts, Support systems in Mining their
applicability and withdrawal of supports.
Definition of the term Geology, scope, uses of geology in Mining field, Branches of geology,
Age of the earth, origin of the earth-Nebular hypothesis of kant and Laplace, Physical
Geology, internal structure of earth, weathering, erosion, denudation, Attrition, Abrasion,
Earthquakes, its propagation, intensity, causes and effects of earthquakes. Valcanoes and its
classification,. Mineralogy-Physical characteristics of minerals, important mineral families,
industrial uses of important minerals; Occurrence and distribution in A.P and India. Petrology
- Classification of Rocks and its characteristics, structures and textures. Structural Geology,
folds,.faults, joints, unconformities. Geological time scale, major stratigraphical divisions of
India, Physio-graphic divisions of India, Economic Geology- Terms, processes of
mineralization and important economic minerals formed by these processes. Geological
prospecting- objectives, guide lines for location of mineral deposits in fields, methods of
Methods of working coal by Bord and pillar method - development, opening of districts
,different methods of development systems with machines and continuous miners,
depillaring. Methods of working coal by Longwall mining-Long wall advancing, longwall
retreating, applicabilities, merits, demerits, limitations. Special methods of working like
inclined slicing, horizontal slicing, blasting gallery, horizon mining. Stowing practice in
Definitions: Development of mineral deposits, levels, sublevels, Winzes and Raises etc.
Handling waste rock and mineral, Drilling and blasting, arrangement for loading,
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