CBSE BOARD X, asked by AmanKumarV7, 9 months ago

Classify roads on the basis of material used for construction?​


Answered by parasharpraveen244


WBM roads provides better performance compared to earthen, gravel, murrum and kankar roads. ... They are flexible and thickness of bituminous roads depends upon the subgrade soil conditions. Concrete Roads Cement concrete is used to construct the pavements in case of concrete roads.

Answered by singhadiarmylover


Murrum Roads Murrum is a matter obtained from the disintegration of igneous rocks by weathering agencies. This is used to make roads called as murrum roads. Kankar Roads Kankar is nothing but impure form of lime stone. ... WBM Roads Water Bound Macadam (WBM) roads contain crushed stone aggregate in its base course.

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