Classify the different types of fishing nets and explain
The four main types of fishing gear that use netting are gillnets and entanglement nets, surrounding net, seine nets, and trawls.
1)Gillnets and entanglement nets consist of a panel (or panels) of net held vertically in the water column, either in contact with the seabed or suspended from the sea surface. The size of the mesh in the net determines the size range of the species caught, as smaller fish are able to swim through the mesh. The legal net length and mesh size are set by individual jurisdictions. Gillnets and entanglement nets are used in offshore and inshore waters, and in rivers and estuaries.
2)Pelagic gillnets (also known as drifting gillnets or drift nets) are used in a number of jurisdictions including, Queensland and Northern Territory waters to target tropical sharks and mackerels. Pelagic gillnets are made up of individual net panels tied together, allowing easy removal or replacement of damaged sections. They are set in open water and can be set with the headline on the sea surface (positively buoyant) or suspended below the surface (negatively buoyant), with one end of the net often remaining attached to the vessel.
3)Demersal gillnets (also called bottom-set gillnets, shark nets, graball nets or mesh nets) are used to target Gummy Shark, in the Commonwealth-managed Gillnet, Hook and Trap Sector of the Southern and Eastern Scalefish and Shark Fishery. State-managed fisheries also use demersal gillnets to target finfish species. Demersal gillnets are similar to pelagic gillnets but are negatively buoyant and fish on the ocean floor. The boat does not remain attached to the gear, but may remain within a short distance of it.
I hope it was helpful to you my friend
Type Target fish
Plankton net :- Plankton
Purse seine :- Schooling fish
Push net :- Shrimp
Seine net