Chemistry, asked by niweditanidhi1, 14 days ago

Classify the following changes under the categories slow and fast change,

reversible & irreversible change, periodic & non-periodic change and

desirable & undesirable change.

a) Rusting of iron.

b) Bursting of balloon.

c) Ploughing a field.

d) Motion of swing.

e) Evaporation of alcohol.​


Answered by shaikhrajiuddin695


please read,

Desirable and undesirable change

Desirable Change Undesirable change

Changes that take place naturally or artificially and produce useful and required results are desirable changes. Changes that take place naturally or artificially and produce not useful or bad results are undesirable changes.

Example - - Rainfall on crops - Conversion of milk to curd - Growth of seedling into plants. Example - - Rotting of fruits - Falling of trees - Excessive rainfall causing floods

Periodic and non-periodic change

Periodic Change Non-periodic change

Changes that take place at regular intervals of time are periodic changes. Changes which take place irregularly and do not repeat are non-periodic changes.

Example - - Change of seasons - Movement of clock hands - Day turning into night Example - - Rusting of iron - Change in weather - Thunder and lightning

Slow and fast change

Slow Changes Fast Changes

Changes that take place gradually over time, days, months or even years are slow changes. Changes that take place quickly in seconds or minutes are fast changes.

Example - - Growing of trees - Tooth decay - Decomposition of soil Example - - Burning of paper - Bursting of fireworks - Lighting of bulb

Natural and Man-made changes

Natural Changes Man-made Changes

Changes that take place naturally and not artificially are natural changes. Changes that do not take place naturally but are artificial and man-made are man-made changes.

Example - - Growth of the Human Body - Change in seasons Example - - Conversion of metals into alloys - Burning of fuel - Cutting of trees

Reversible and irreversible change.

Reversible Changes Irreversible Changes

Changes which are not permanent and can be reversed by another change are reversible changes. Changes which are permanent and cannot be reversed by any change.

Example - - Melting of wax - Melting of ice - Pulling of rubber band Example - - Burning of paper - Rusting of iron - Curdling of milk

Answered by RanjiniRoy


1. Slow, undesirable, irreversible change

2. Fast, irreversible, undesirable change

3. Reversible change

4. Reversible, fast change

5. Reversible, fast change

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