Classify the heterotrophic mode of nutrition . write in brief about each of them 0
The word ‘heterotroph’ is derived from two Greek words—heteros (other) and trophe (nutrition). Unlike autotrophs, which manufacture their own food, heterotrophic organisms obtain food from other organisms. As heterotrophs depend on other organisms for their food, they are called consumers. All animals and non-green plants like fungi come under this category.
Consumers which consume herbs and other plants are called herbivores, and those which consume animals are called carnivores. After taking complex organic materials as food, heterotrophs break them into simpler molecules with the help of biological catalysts, or enzymes, and utilize them for their own metabolism.
Depending upon the mode of living and the mode of intake of food, heterotrophs may be parasitic, saprophytic or holozoic.
Parasitic organisms, or parasites, live on or inside other living organisms, called hosts, and obtain their food from them. The host does not get any benefit from the parasite. Different parasites, like Cuscuta (akash-bel), Cassytha (amar-bel), hookworms, tapeworms, leeches, etc., have different modes of feeding, depending upon habit, habitat and modifications.
Saprophytic organisms, or saprophytes, derive their food from dead organisms. They secrete enzymes that are released on food material outside their body. These enzymes break down complex food into simple forms. Common examples of saprophytes are fungi (moulds, mushrooms, yeasts) and many bacteria.
In holozoic nutrition complex organic substances are ingested (taken in) without their being degraded or decomposed. After intake, such food is digested by enzymes produced within the organism. Digested food is absorbed into the body and the undigested product is egested (expelled) from the body. This kind of nutrition is found mainly in non-parasitic animals—simple ones like Amoeba and complex ones like human beings.
There are three types of heterotopic nutrition ...
And saprophytic