English, asked by guptaswetarani, 9 days ago

Clean water supplies are essential for good health and cleanliness in the home. Often the
only source of drinking water is polluted. More than 70% of rural households have no safe
drinking water. Their supplies are often carried some distance from a river, pond or well or
a community pump or tap. Carrying water takes time and energy. For these reasons water
is often kept in the house for a long time and of necessity it is rationed carefully. Several
diseases are spread by polluted water, these include diarrhoea, Cholera and typhoid.
Families using water from uncovered, from ponds or wells are likely to suffer more
frequently from all these infections than those whose water comes from protected sites. An
adequate supply of water is also needed for personal cleanliness and general hygiene in the
home. Health workers should encourage the provision of good household water supplies as
much as possible. If there is no tap the main water container must be kept clean, covered
and free from debris. Overnight storage in earthenware vessels reduces the number of
bacteria in the water. Nevertheless, it is important that any water given to infants is first
boiled. After boiling it should be covered in the same container until it is cool enough to
On the basis of your reading of the above passage, answer the following questions. (6)
1.Why are villages lacking in good health and cleanliness generally?
2. Why is water kept for a long time in rural household?
3. What are the effects of polluted water?
4. What type of water should be given to infants? Why?
5. Give the synonym of the word sufficient from the paragraph.


Answered by khatrisarika70



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