Clock signals are used in sequential logic circuits to
Synchronous sequential logic. Nearly all sequential logic today is clocked or synchronous logic. In a synchronous circuit, an electronic oscillator called a clock (or clock generator) generates a sequence of repetitive pulses called the clock signal which is distributed to all the memory elements in the circuit.
Clock signals are used in sequential logic circuits to synchronize events in various parts of system.
Sequential logic circuits coordinate events in different system components using clock signals. A sequential circuit is referred to be synchronized sequential circuit if all of its outputs change in response to the active transition of the clock signal. A clock signal, formerly referred to as logic beat, is used as a metronome in electronics, particularly in synchronous digital circuits, to coordinate the operations of individual digital circuits.
Applications for Sequential Circuits:
- Shift registers.
- Flip flops.
- Analog to digital and digital to analog converters.
- Counters.
- Clocks.
- Used as registers inside microprocessors and controllers to store temporary information.
- Applied in programmable devices such as CPLD, PLD, and FPGA.
A synchronous sequential circuit is one in which changes to the memory's contents can only occur at specific times or in response to clock transitions. These circuits are referred to as clocked sequential circuits since a clock will be in charge of all circuit activity.