Clouds are generally white . Why?
The light we see WITH when it is reflected from something , is so called white light. It consists of all the colors of light we are able to see, blended together. You can separate white light into the various colors with a prism. Look it up if interested.
Clouds consist of tiny droplets of water that being more or less round in shape reflect light in all directions, mixing it up thoroughly. If the temperature and concentration are favorable, you see the light reflected from the cloud as white light, because most of the light hitting the cloud is white light, and under the rigt conditions, a cloud reflects nearly all the light that hits it.
Since it was white light to begin with, and nearly all of it is still there, after bouncing around in a cloud, and off the cloud, the cloud appears to be “white” , sometimes, depending on the exact conditions in effect. If conditions are such that the cloud is dense enough to absorb a lot of light, it appears progressively darker as it absorbs more and more light rather than reflecting it.