English, asked by jashan12341, 7 months ago

coce..... perspective,
not send
16 Complete this text with appropriate forms of can or could plus these verbs.
not imagine pick
These days, when we (1).Can......pick up a phone and call anywhere in the world, we really
don't realize, and often (2)...cant imagine., how difficult long-distance communication
(3)................ for people in the past. In the early 19th century the Treaty of Ghent
brought an end to the War of 1812 between Britain and the United States. But the news
(4)..could not send across the Atlantic fast enough to stop General Andrew Jackson attacking an
defeating the British forces in New Orleans a full three weeks after the treaty was signed. With
better communication, the battle (5) bonded and the lives of more than two thousand
people (6) marredo​


Answered by Anonymous


please answer this question..............Hello good morning............Hello good morning

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