Geography, asked by soni100sandhya, 7 months ago

cocoa plants are grown in between banana trees. give reason​


Answered by aswin8935


The cocoa tree has tap-roots.

The tap-root descends straight into the soil.

The branch roots go down very deep.

But many small branch roots also grow near the surface.

If the soil is of good structure and contains much humus, the roots penetrate well.

You can improve the soil structure by spreading manure and working it into the soil.

If the soil is deep, the roots can go down to a good depth.

Never plant cocoa trees in soil with a lot of stones, or in soil where there is some hard layer.

Answered by pmanorma1973


Hey mate here is ur answer hope this will help you out


If a cocoa tree is to grow well, it needs more than anything else a soil

of good structure,

permeable and deep.

The cocoa tree has tap-roots.

The tap-root descends straight into the soil.

The branch roots go down very deep.

But many small branch roots also grow near the surface.

If the soil is of good structure and contains much humus, the roots penetrate well.

You can improve the soil structure by spreading manure and working it into the soil.

If the soil is deep, the roots can go down to a good depth.

Never plant cocoa trees in soil with a lot of stones, or in soil where there is some hard layer

In Africa, cocoa is grown in forest regions.

To make a plantation, you must clear the site.

But the cocoa tree needs shade, especially when it is young.

The traditional method is to cut down all the trees and to burn everything.

But this is a bad method because:

You destroy all the organic matter in the weeds, the leaves and the branches.

You leave the soil bare to the sun or rain.

The soil becomes less fertile.

The cocoa trees are not protected from the sun when it is too strong.

Sometimes growers put banana trees or taros into the cocoa plantation, to give shade for the young cocoa trees. If these are planted long enough before the cocoa trees, they give good protection.

But if they are planted at the same time as the cocoa trees, they do not protect the young cocoa trees well enough and they take nourishment out of the soil.

To give shade it Is better to keep a few of the forest trees.

You should cut first all the tall weeds, the creepers and the small trees.

Make heaps of what you have cut down and arrange the heaps in rows.

It is better not to burn all the vegetation you cut.

Leave it on the ground.

It protects the soil against erosion and sun.

It rots and makes humus.

If you have to burn the vegetation you have cut, you must sow a cover crop.

Next, go through the plantation a second time:

Now cut down all the trees which might give some disease to the cocoa trees.

And cut down also all trees that give too much shade.

But leave those large trees which can give no disease to the cocoa trees, and which give a little shade.

When the cocoa trees have grown taller, they need less shade.

You should gradually give them less and less shade.

You should prune the big trees and cut off those branches that cast too much shade.

When the plantation is well cared for, you can cut down all the big tree's.

Farmers always remove the following trees:

Local name Botanical name

Atui Piptadeniastrum africanum

Tôm Erythrophloeum guineense

Ebaé Pentaclethra macrophylla

Eyen Distemonanthus benthamianus

Asam Uapaca staudtii

Abem Macrolobium or Berlinia

Esabem Macrolobium limba

Engôkôm Myrianthus arboreus

Aseng Musanga cecropioides

Leave in the plantation:

Akom Terminalia superba

Atol Ficus vogeliana

Evouvous Albizzia ferruginea

Esak Albizzia fastigiata

Ekouk Alstonia boonei

Eteng Pycnanthus kombo

In Ivory Coast

Farmers always remove the following trees:


With traditional methods, planting is most often done in a haphazard way.

The cocoa trees are not planted in rows.

There is not the same distance between them.

When the trees are too far apart, they do not use all the soil; when they are too close, they grow badly.

Instead, you should always plant in rows.

First mark the rows for the cocoa trees, leaving about 2.5 to 3 metres between rows.

Along each row, mark out with pegs the spots where the cocoa trees are to go.

Leave about 2.5 to 3 metres between trees.

In this way you can plant about 1 000 to 1 600 seedlings per hectare.

Digging the holes

Before planting cocoa trees, the grower must dig holes in order to stir the earth and loosen it.

Dig the holes two months before planting the cocoa trees.

When you are digging the hole, do not mix together the soil from above and the soil from below:

Make two separate heaps.


Sometimes growers sow cocoa seeds straight away in the plantation.

This is a bad thing to do.

It is better to put into the plantation

either young cocoa seedlings from your own nursery beds,

or cocoa seedlings bought from a research centre.

A few hours before lifting the seedlings from the nursery beds, water the soil.

Then take the seedlings out of the nursery beds with a spade or a hoe.

Be very careful not to break the roots.

Next sort out the cocoa seedlings.

Throw away diseased plants and plants that have a twisted tap-root.

When you are ready to plant, make a small hole.

In this small hole place your young cocoa seedling.

If you have sown your seeds in baskets or bags, make a hole big enough to hold the root ball with the cocoa seedling.

Be very careful not to twist the tap-root.

Do not cover the crown with earth.

Pack the soil down well around the tap-root.

For the first few days, protect the cocoa seedling from the sun.

If there are palm trees in your village, use a palm frond.

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