coffee script is less sensitive to whitespaces, so programmers need to be very careful while providing indentations
Yes, Coffee script is less sensitive to whitespaces, so programmers need to be very careful while providing indentations.
Short notes on coffee script:
(i) A light weight programming languages that compiles into Javascript. They are compiled into .js files.
(ii) It adds some best features that JavaScript does not have. It doesn't have the semicolons and curly braces.
Example of coffee script:
(i) name = "Siddhartha"
age = 2.
Advantages of coffee script:
(i) Easily understandable
(ii) Extensive library support.
Disadvantages of coffee script:
(i) Not so rich in features.
Hope it helps!
CoffeeScript is the small language which compiles into the JavaScript. Below that uncomfortable Java-esque patina, the JavaScript has usually comes with the most beautiful heart.
In other words, CoffeeScript is an excellent try for exposing the best JavaScript parts in an easy way.
The good thing about this code is that it compiles one-to-one into equivalent JS. The users can utilize the JavaScript library flawlessly from CoffeeScript.