'cold within'
Deep rooted prejudice block our senses of good or bad, discuss
1. A preference for one over another, particularly without any reason She dislikes shopping at department stores. 2. Unjustified hate of someone or something directed at them due to some quality (such as race or religion) 3. A person's rights are harmed or damaged.
PREJUDICE is always harmful to individuals and has the potential to be harmful to society as a whole. Even though the human race has developed, prejudice is still widespread in today's society. The poem "cold within" by an unidentified author describes the tale of a death brought on by racial discrimination.
Each of the six people stranded in the bitterly cold winter night had a log of wood. But they all declined to use their wood to keep the fire going. The gathering was silently urged to help one another in order to help themselves by the DYING FIRE. However, five of them harbored prejudices towards one another over matters of race and colour. The fifth individual was a chancer.
As soon as the first person noticed that one of the people gathered around the fire was black, she neglected to use her log. She could have warmed the black person if she had used her wood. Her thoughts were clouded with the idea of racial discrimination, and she was unwilling to assist the black person in any manner, even if it meant falling to her death.
Additionally, the BLACK MAN was no less. He had experienced racism. He was overcome with rage and would sooner let the group's fire die than to help the white, seeing in his stick an opportunity to spite the white and not to save himself. His mind was consumed with ideas of retaliation for the abuse and stifling he had received, and all of his thoughts were focused on exacting retribution despite all odds and even though doing so might bring about his demise.
The poem "The Cold Within" by James Patrick Kinney is all about prejudice-based discrimination and its unfavourable effects. Each of the six people that congregated around the fire that chilly winter night had a log of wood. However, they all declined to share their wood in order to keep the fire going. While the last one was an opportunist, the other five were biassed against one another based on trivial considerations like colour, race, religion, socioeconomic class, etc.
The black man saw it as his opportunity to exact revenge on the white man for all the insults since the white man had bias against the black man. The poor man had the misconception that the wealthy were idle and should not use his meagre resources to assist such persons. The rich, on the other hand, believed that the poor were shiftless and lazy, and that he should keep the money he had made from them. A man discovered that another person did not share his religious beliefs, so he decided not to share his wood with him. The final one would only reciprocate by giving something in exchange for anything received.
They were eventually discovered, each grimly clinging to a plank of wood as they died from being frozen. And even in times of need, they acted selfishly and with prejudice, which is to blame. Therefore, bias acts as a destroyer in this situation. The poem serves as a straightforward yet potent reminder that the future of humanity is at risk if we are unable to put aside our biases when we most need to.