Biology, asked by minahil5100, 1 year ago

Collateral of tlaxillary vein is thoracoepigastruc vein


Answered by suprit1729
Parents are the best teachers in the world. Although this is never ending debate topic. I agree with this statement. I strongly believe in parents as teachers. No one can find better teacher than parents. Only they can create the foundation of children's life.

Before puting further argument, I should define "Teacher". Literal meaning of the teach is the one who teaches. Responsblities of teacher not only includes teaching subject related knowledge, but also includes preparing a good human being. teaching discipline, moral values of life, spiritual teaching etc. Teacher is responsible for overall development of children.

For a teacher in any school, institute or organization is not able to develop a child into good human being. No organization can ensure overall development of children. Specially in recent era, when education has become business for most of the organization and teachers, the only ray of hope is "Parents".

A child follows his parents starting from his first sight in this world. Children immitate their parents. This is the main argument behind parents being the best teachers. Parents can each not only discipline and moral values of life, but can also teach spiritual science. They give knowledge to their children by their life long experience. They can build thinking and analytical abilities in their children. Ofcource, parents with higher education can give more knowledge to their children compare to less educated parents. But the abilities and teachings required from parents are not dependent on education of parents. Parents know their child from the birth and they know their strengths and weakness. So that they can help them to overcome the weakness.

At early age of children, parents teach the children how to walk , run , sit, eat, think etc. They teach them manners of society. In school they help them with their core studies. And further they heir children to choose right path of career. Parents have special bonding with their children than any other person in the world. Due to this bonding children trust their parents the most. This relationship of love, trust and bonding makes parents the best teacher.

Some research shows that of the criminals are orphan. Parents make their children to differentiate between good and bad, between sin and virtues.

So parents are the best teachers who not only contribute to their children but also to the society and world. I strongly agree with out national hero "Bapu" - Mahatma Gandhi- that "Home is the university and parents are the teachers.

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