collect 5 riddles about train
This is a way you can get around
It has a locomotive pull it
Its wheels go on top of rails
Japan has a type called the Bullet
I’m a transport you don’t have to drive
Which means you can sit back and relax
I can take you across the country
Not in the air but along some tracks
This is a type of transport
You can take all over the nation
You travel on railroads
And might stop at Grand Central Station
Here is a riddle about transport
So it is time to use your brain
This has an engine and carriages
And runs on rails – it’s a _ _ _ _ _
What Am I?
I have seats but I’m not a living room
I have an engine but I’m not a car
I’m a mode of transport but I’m not an airplane
I’m sometimes a bullet but I’m not fired out of a gun
I can be found in a subway but I’m not a sandwich