collect any five news items on the given issues comment women centric issues technological development or environmental issues (on any two in 120-150 words)

Environmental Challenges
Our environment is the natural world and our surroundings consisting of land, air, water, trees, animals, etc. This environment, we were given in legacy and as a gift by the universe in perfect state with clear and healthy water, pure air, land and abundant natural resources.
However, man has been harming this beautiful environment in the name of industrialization and urbanization. He has been cutting trees and trees in millions of acres of forests; he has installed manufacturing units on the banks of life-giving rivers; these manufacturing monsters spew toxic smoke into the atmosphere whose air all humans and animals breathe.
In his greed to earn more profit man omits to treat the toxic effluents before releasing them into rivers, lakes, oceans, etc.; he ignores the most important fact of preserving the purity of environment.
The shocking truth is our environment has been irreparably damaged by man’s recklessness! Man-made monsters such as global warming, land, air, and water pollutions, population explosion, deforestation, etc. may swallow our planet anytime!
The only hope of the survival of the planet lies in treating the planet, its environment, ecology, animals, plants and trees reverently. Our environment needs more respect and care from us! Otherwise utter annihilation waits us. All of us need to make environmental preservation our first priority, only then will we be able to restore it.
Lastly, we must modify our developmental strategies. We must ensure no damage to the environment while modifying or using the natural resources. We must adopt the principles of sustainable development. Only then will we be able to save the environment and our own existence.
Women centric issues are the very focal aspects or concerns about women in the society , their protection against large abuse by the society.
The abuses includes
Gender imbalances in representations.
Sexual abuse
Domestic violence
Inferiority in women
Making humanitarians believes that human beings are equal despite the gender difference and hence should be given fair chance in a society