Geography, asked by cuty123456789, 1 year ago

Collect information about
the changes in the land use over the years, open space available etc and the ownership
of motor vehicles. Analyse this data and put it in a tabular form.
How would you propose a plan to provide space for children's playground?


Answered by monalibanerjee


Over the past decade Child Friendly City(CFC) initiative has been developed throughout the worldto make the cities more livable and friendly to its children and also to the future child to come. ToensuresuchobjectiveConventionontherightsofthechild(CRC),formulatedin1990byUNICEF, provides a common framework for action regarding children in the cities or urban context. This papertriestointerpretsomeselectedarticlesofCRCintermsofphysicalenvironment.hildren from middle and upper middle income group, living primarily in the recently grownapartmentcomplexesaredeprivedofqualitycontactwithnature,safemobility,autonomyandtheir capacityto exploretheirsurrounding.Itisanironythatthepoorerchildrencanenjoythese benefitsmore than the well of though they ‘enjoy in an unhealthy and unsafe environment’(Marcocorsi,2002).This study deals mainly with the middle and upper-midle income group children(aged between -11 years) and their surrounding in Dhanmondi Res dentialArea,thefirstplannedresidentialareain Dhaka.Dhanmondi Residential Area was developed as a low density(almost 10 person per acre) highincome residential area during 1950s. During the last three decade the area experienced a rapidchange in density, land use, building types, traffic pattern etc. Such phenomena had their major repercussionsonchildren.By environment behavior studies this thesis tries to understand the issue of child friendliness intermsofphysicalenvironmentbasedonsomeselectedCRCguidelines.Bystudyingtheopenspacestructure of Dhanmondi R/A area, some actionable ideas and respective alternative patterns aresuggested.Aspartoftheanalysis, visualsurvey ofthestudyarea,questionnairesurveyinaselectedsample area, configurational analysis with ‘space syntax’ and building typology-study based on present by law are performed. At the end, a redesign alternative pattern is proposed for the area tocreate locality or sense of place. Along with other supportive suggestions this exercise ends withdesigningamicroscaleoutdoorgreenopenspace(atRoad10a)adjacenttodwellingplotstogiveavisualimageryofphysicalenvironmentthatisactionableinthisarea


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