collect information about the lifespan of various animals, make a chart and display it in your class.
Record Mammal Life Spans (in captivity) Name of Animal Life Span
Antelope (Blackbuck) 15
Antelope (Pronghorn) 15
Badger 15
Bat (Guano) 15
Bear (Grizzly) 34
Beaver 20
Buffalo 45
Camel 40
Cat (Domestic) 30
Chimpanzee 50
Deer (Fallow) 25
Deer (Mule) 20
Deer (Whitetail) 23
Dog (Domestic) 20
Donkey 50
Elephant (African) 50
Elephant (Indian) 70
Fox 14
Giraffe 28
Goat 10
Guinea Pig 5
Hare 10
Hippopotamus 41
Horse 50
Jaguar 22
Javelina 20
Lion 35
Mole 3
Mountain Lion 18
Mouse 4
Mule 37
Nutria 12
Opossum 8
Otter 15
Porcupine 20
Porpoise 15
Rabbit 10
Raccoon 13
Reindeer 15
Rhinoceros 40
Seal (Common) 30
Sheep (Bighorn) 15
Sheep (Mouflon 19
Shrew 2
Skunk 12
Squirrel (Fox) 10
Squirrel (Gray) 18
Tiger 25
Whale (Blue) 35
Wolf 16
Zebra 30
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