collect information about various modern treatments on heart disease.
A major life threatening condition is heart attack or myocardial infarction. If the heart failure is diagnosed at an early stage we'll and good. But in many cases there are alternative treatments available like the one's mentioned below:
1) EECP ( Enhanced External Counter Pulsation) treatment
2) EDTA Chelation therapy
3) Plant based Diet
4) Stress Management
5) Cardiac Rehabilitation Exercises
6) Nutrients and Supplements
A major life threatening condition is heart attack or myocardial infarction. If the heart failure is diagnosed at an early stage we'll and good. But in many cases there are alternative treatments available like the one's mentioned below:
1) EECP (Enhanced External Counter Pulsation) treatment
2) EDTA Chelation therapy 3) Plant based Diet
4) Stress Management
5) Cardiac Rehabilitation Exercises
6) Nutrients and Supplements
I hope this is help for you