Collect information on alternative to pesticides and organic farming prepare a report
It is defined by the use of fertilizers of organic origin such as compost manure, green manure, and bone meal and places emphasis on techniques such as crop rotation and companion planting. Biological pest control, mixed cropping and the fostering of insect predators are encouraged.
- Biological control of pest and disease helps to control excessive use of chemical pesticides and is a good alternative to it.
Examples of biocontrol:
- Ladybird: a beetle which is useful in controlling aphids.
- Dragonflies: used to get rid of mosquitoes.
- Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt): is a microbial biocontrol that are introduced to control cotton bollworm and butterfly caterpillars.
- Tricoderma: it is a fungus used in treatment of plant disease.
- Baculoviruses: they are the pathogens which attack other insects and arthropods.
eg: Nuecleopolyhedrovirus (NPV)
- Biopesticides: includes bioherbicides and bioinsecticides.
2.Organic farming is raising crops through the use of biofertilisers that
provides optimum nutrients to crop plants.
Biofertilisers are organisms that enrich the nutrient quality of soil.
The main source of biofertilisers are:
- Bacteria:
(I) Rhizobium forms symbiotic association with root nodules of
leguminous plants. they fix atmospheric nitrogen into organic form.
(II) Bacteria like Azospirillum and Azotobacter can fix atmospheric
nitrogen while free living in soil .
- Fungi:
Fungi forms symbiotic association with roots of higher plants known as
Mycorrhiza. The fungal symbiont absorbs phosphorus from the soil
and passes it to plants. Plants with such an association shows
resistance to root borne diseases, tolerance to salinity and drought,
and overall increase in plant growth and development.
Types of Mycorrhiza:
(I) Ectomycorrhizae (Ectotrophic or Ectophytic): Hyphae of fungus only
forms mantle on the outer surface of the roots , increasing absorption
of water and minerals eg. pinus, oak etc. Mycorrhiza stores nitrogen,
phosphorus, pottasium and calcium.
(II) Endomycorrhizae (Endotrophic or Endophytic): Hyphae penetrate
into cortex of roots eg. orchids, coffee and woody plants. They are also
known as Vesicular Arbuscular Mycorrhiza (VAM). It has significant role
in phosphorus nutrition in plants.
- Cyanobacteria:
Cyanobateria are autotrophic microbes and can fix nitrogen as they
have special cells known as heterocyst which is meant for nitrogen
fixation. eg. Anabaena, Nostoc, Oscillatoria etc
In paddy field cyanobacteria serve as an important biofertiliser.
Blue green algae(BGA) also increases the fertility of soil and reduces