collect information on the actions controlled by spinal cord by using reference books from your school library
The spinal cord has spinal nerves. The signals from the body parts reach the brain by sensory neurons of the spinal cord and the brain sends a command to the body parts by the motor neurons of the spinal cord.
The spinal cord controls the reflex actions, that require an immediate response. The reflex actions include blinking of eyes, closing the ears if the sound is unbearable.
Spinal cord :
1) Spinal cord is a long and cylindrical structure. It passes through vertibral column extending all along the dorsal surface of trunk.
2) Vertebrae of the vertebral column protects the spinal cord.
3) The spinal cord has two major functions.
- carrying information
- coordinatin reflexes
4) It receives sensory information through the afferent nerves from the sensory receptors throughout the body and sends them to the brain.
5) It also carries information from the brain through efferent fibres to the muscles and glands.
6) It coordinates reflexes without the involvement of the brain.
Thus the spinal cord has both communicative and integrative functions.
Reflex actions :
1) Excepting the sensory and motor functions, spinal cord controls some other important functions also. These are called as reflex actions.
2) The spinal cord does not take any assistance from the brain. Reflex actions are automatic, unlearned, involuntary and in born responses.
3) Therefore these actions are suddenly in nature and have a purpose of protecting the individuals or his/her organs from sudden danger.