Political Science, asked by talatkidwai, 3 months ago

Collect information regarding programmes by the government to ensure the equality in India and depict
it through pictures or drawings on a chart paper. E.g. gender equality, economic equality etc.


Answered by msHistorian



d has adopted the ideal of the welfare state and fully committed to its realization. Welfare Sate a concept of government


which the state plays a key role in the protection

and promotion of economic and social well-being

of citizens. A welfare state is based on the principiap of social, economic and political equality

Social Equality: The Fundamental Rights

contained in Part Ill include the prohibition of discrimination on grounds of religion, race, caste, sex, or place of birth, and this applies not only to action on the part of the state but also in regard to access to shops, restaurants, hotels and places of public entertainment, the use of wells, tanks, bathing ghats and so forth,

Right Against Exploitation protect children and young persons against abuse, exploitation and neglect

Economic Equality For economic equality it is clearly mentioned in the Constitution that the state shall direct its policy towards securing that citizens the right to an adequate means of livelihood; that the ownership and control of the community resources are distributed so asbest to subserve the common good; that the economic system does not e s to cause the concentration of wealth

and that men and women receive equal pay for equal work; Within the limits of capacity and development, its economic capacity to make effective

the state required t

ucation and to public assistance in case of unemployment, old age, sickness, disablement and other cases of undeserved. The state shall endeavour by

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wage, conditions of work ensuring a decent standard of life and full enjoyment, of leisure and social and cultural opportunities.

i Political Equality in India, all citizens inespective of the state in which they are born or reside enjoy the same political and civil rights and no discrimination is made between them. Political equality includes:


In politics, we recognise the principle of one man-one vote and one vote-one value:

• Universal Adult Franchise the right of the people to vote and elect their representatives is called franchise The word franchise


derived from the French word franc which means free it means free exercise of the right to choose one's representatives. We follow principle of universal adult franchise i.e. the right to vote should be given to all adult citizens without the discrimination of caste, class, colour, religion or sex.

Equality in terms of forming political associations and expressing political views.

Equal rights to get represented. • Equality in contesting elections and holding public offices (Some seats are reserved for underprivileged like women,

SC and ST to

provide them sufficient representation).

No special privilege to a few to rule, e.g democratic government.

(Rights are those essential conditions of life without which no one can lead a full, happy, and purpose life. Rights are necessary for the very sustenance of a democracy. In a democracy every citizen has to have the right to vote and the right to be elected to government. For democratic

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Government a

means of legislation or economic organisation to secure to all workers, opportunities for employment at a living

Answered by studytosuccess123



The quality control is done in India strictly at many levels. The Indian government has setup a committee which overlooks this task.

The same committee has given a specific set of standards known as the Indian Standards ( IS ).

This is a guiding set which has to be followed by every manufacturer and in case of disobedience by the person, they have to face strict action and heavy fines.

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