collect pictures of natural resources to show how some of our natural resources have by damaged due to industrialization, increasing population,illegal trade etc. write a note below each picture describing how the resources has been damaged..
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"Between the longing for a Bangalore of a bygone era, and the futuristic visions of the city as a 'Singapore-in-making' through a unique 'private-public partnership', lies a complex history of a city that has been marked by national, regional, and global forces and interests in its passage to a metropolitan status. In the five decades since Independence, a small and unremarkable town was transformed into an internationally known metropolis … No single metaphor adequately describes the new metropolitan experience, for Bangalore is not quite the industrial district, the technopole, the international city, nor the Silicon Valley of Asia that have been used to describe processes elsewhere … No other contemporary Indian city allows us to track the passage from small town to metropolitan status within a few decades as well as does Bangalore ."
— Janaki Nair, The Promise of the Metropolis – Bangalore's Twentieth Century, Oxford University Press, 2005
Bangalore's rapid growth from a demographic, spatial, and economic perspective is world renowned, and the area is often referred to as "Silicon Valley" of India due to the agglomeration of high-tech companies that have offices in the area. The population of the greater metropolitan area of Bangalore exceeds 8 million residents, and is predicted to become a megacity soon. Will the explosive economic growth of the area contribute to a sustainable future, or will Bangalore's success overwhelm natural resources and infrastructure?
The exponential growth in urban population has impacted energy consumption not only in Bangalore but in the rest of India as well. India and Bangalore specifically will need to concentrate on various sectors of energy production in order to meet their rapidly growing demand. Although Karnataka, the southwestern state that includes the city of Bangalore, has a population density that is less than the national average (Figure 1), Karnataka's population density has grown by more than 8 million people between 2001 and 2011.
"Between the longing for a Bangalore of a bygone era, and the futuristic visions of the city as a 'Singapore-in-making' through a unique 'private-public partnership', lies a complex history of a city that has been marked by national, regional, and global forces and interests in its passage to a metropolitan status. In the five decades since Independence, a small and unremarkable town was transformed into an internationally known metropolis … No single metaphor adequately describes the new metropolitan experience, for Bangalore is not quite the industrial district, the technopole, the international city, nor the Silicon Valley of Asia that have been used to describe processes elsewhere … No other contemporary Indian city allows us to track the passage from small town to metropolitan status within a few decades as well as does Bangalore ."
— Janaki Nair, The Promise of the Metropolis – Bangalore's Twentieth Century, Oxford University Press, 2005
Bangalore's rapid growth from a demographic, spatial, and economic perspective is world renowned, and the area is often referred to as "Silicon Valley" of India due to the agglomeration of high-tech companies that have offices in the area. The population of the greater metropolitan area of Bangalore exceeds 8 million residents, and is predicted to become a megacity soon. Will the explosive economic growth of the area contribute to a sustainable future, or will Bangalore's success overwhelm natural resources and infrastructure?
The exponential growth in urban population has impacted energy consumption not only in Bangalore but in the rest of India as well. India and Bangalore specifically will need to concentrate on various sectors of energy production in order to meet their rapidly growing demand. Although Karnataka, the southwestern state that includes the city of Bangalore, has a population density that is less than the national average (Figure 1), Karnataka's population density has grown by more than 8 million people between 2001 and 2011.
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Natural resources have got great importance in the economic and social well being of activities in a given country, they should therefore be highly conserved and greatly taken care of, Human activities have brought out a number of factors that tend to destroy our natural resources , the pictures below indicate the way way human activities have affected our natural resources.
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