Economy, asked by jayshyamalan312, 7 months ago

.Collect sample of some solid substances such as sugar , salt, chalkpowder, sandand; sawdust.
Take five glasses or beakers. Fill each one of them about two-thirds with water.)Add a small
amount(spoonful)of sugar to the firstglass,salt to these condandsimilarly,|addsmallamounts
forafew minutes.Observewhathappenstothesubstancesaddedtowater(Fig.).Noteyour


Answered by 0akm12321


in the following experiment when we add sugar and salt to their respective glasses they dissolve in water forming a homogeneous solution whereas when we add chalk powder, sand and saw dust to a glass of water they don't completely dissolve in water and form heterogeneous mixture. in case of chalk powder in water it forms a colloid and shows Tindall effect. in case of sand in water sand settle down at bottom of glass forming a suspension. in case of sawdust a suspension is formed where the particles of sawdust float on the surface of water .




hope it helps.

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