collect ten news clipping and write any fiv
e new words from each with their meaning and usage
Following is what you require,
1- "Report on how a British tanker was intercepted by Iranian boat"
WORD: Impede
MEANING: To delay or prevent something. This is done through placing hurdles in the way of that action.
USAGE: The completion of the building was impeded by a number of factors including weather conditions.
2- "An opinion article on one of a Linguist's Case Against Socialism"
WORD: Socialism
MEANING: It is a political and economic theory regarding the concept of social organization.
USAGE: There exists a vision for democratic socialism.
WORD: Disparaging
MEANING: To express degradation towards someone.
USAGE: The slave was disparaged by the ruthless owner
MEANING: To bring about/recall something to ones mind
USAGE: The old pictures evoked emotional memories of adventurous trips.
WORD: Resilience
MEANING: This refers to someones capacity to recover quickly from problematic situations
USAGE: The factory workers showed great resilience even though they had to undergo many issues with the trade union