Collect the information about different kind of Scientist, Stick their
photo with the information. Information should be adequate.
Some Types of Scientists
Some Types of ScientistsAn agronomist specializes in soil and crops.
Some Types of ScientistsAn agronomist specializes in soil and crops.An astronomer studies stars, planets and galaxies.
Some Types of ScientistsAn agronomist specializes in soil and crops.An astronomer studies stars, planets and galaxies.A botanist specializes in plants.
Some Types of ScientistsAn agronomist specializes in soil and crops.An astronomer studies stars, planets and galaxies.A botanist specializes in plants.A cytologist specializes in the study of cells.
Some Types of ScientistsAn agronomist specializes in soil and crops.An astronomer studies stars, planets and galaxies.A botanist specializes in plants.A cytologist specializes in the study of cells.An epidemiologist studies the spread of diseases.
Some Types of ScientistsAn agronomist specializes in soil and crops.An astronomer studies stars, planets and galaxies.A botanist specializes in plants.A cytologist specializes in the study of cells.An epidemiologist studies the spread of diseases.An ethologist studies animal behavior.
Some Types of ScientistsAn agronomist specializes in soil and crops.An astronomer studies stars, planets and galaxies.A botanist specializes in plants.A cytologist specializes in the study of cells.An epidemiologist studies the spread of diseases.An ethologist studies animal behavior.A geneticist studies how traits are inherited.
Answer:jkuace;klzd ,m.nbfhjiqeokdml.c ,zhjejnkadvvz lcndvndbvshf ico lb, vmegbqavzji ;vaemkfjdvhizcojvnkegm. jiadvhzc olzdmnaehvluih\voxln/ vmejbquiavh\;x nk\kdva;eoap'j\/lx nkj vaufihosjx ;lndbvefhiq[wajsnczjbdifjoap'szvlc n. mlihowd