Collect the information about great two indian mathematicians and write about them
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Aryabhata was the first person to say that the Earth is spherical and it revolves around the sun & stated the correct number of days in a year that is 365. He also gave the formula (a + b) 2 = a2 + b2 + 2ab. Further, he worked on the place value system using letters to signify numbers and stating qualities
Introduction of zero (0) to mathematics, which stood for “nothing”, was the biggest contribution of Brahmagupta. He also explained how to find the cube and cube-root of an integer and gave rules facilitating the computation of squares and square roots.
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डिटरमाइंड द पैरामीटर ऑफ द स्क्वायर टू साइड्स आर ऑफ द गिवन मेजर 90 सेंटीमीटर
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