Physics, asked by manikdahiya7057, 9 months ago

Collect the information about reactivity of VIII A group elements (noble gases) from internet orfrom your school library and prepare a report on their special character when compared toother elements of periodic table.


Answered by phillipinestest

                    Nobility of Noble Gases



The noble gases are a group of gases categorised in Group VIII. They are called noble gases because like the noble metals they are relatively nonreactive.

These gases are the least reactive elements in the Periodic Table. This is due to their electronic configuration. The outer most shell of these gases has a completely filled valence shell leaving no space for reaction. Thus they have very little tendency to gain or lose electrons.

The noble gases have high ionization energies and negligible electronegativities.

The noble gases have low boiling points and are all gases at room temperature. They have no colour, odour, or flavour under ordinary conditions. They are non-flammable.

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Answered by bestwriters

Noble gases:

  • The noble gases are located in the far end of the periodic table.
  • These elements are named noble gases because they have fully filled valency shell.
  • They do not undergo any chemical reaction because they do have tendency to gain or lose electron. So, they are also called as inert gas.
  • They have low boiling and melting point.
  • They have large positive electron gain enthalpies.
  • They are slightly soluble in nature.
  • They cannot be liquefied easily.
  • Radon, a noble gas has radioactive property. This is a decay of radium.
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