English, asked by eshaaggarwal2779, 9 months ago

Collect the information of 5 world leaders who fought for human right with description


Answered by silentperson


Chief Joseph (1840–1904)

Chief Joseph

Son of a Nez Perce chief during the United State’s westward expansion, Joseph was born at a time of many disputes over land treaties, which led to years of injustice and attacks from the American military. In 1871, Joseph became chief and worked hard to keep his tribe from retaliating against violence inflicted upon them. At one point, Chief Joseph negotiated a deal with the federal government that would allow his tribe to remain on their land. As was all too often the case in such situations, the government reversed the agreement three years later and threatened to attack if the tribe did not relocate to a reservation.

In 1879, Chief Joseph met with President Rutherford B. Hayes and pleaded on behalf of his tribe. For a quarter of a century, he was a great leader to his tribe and an eloquent public advocate, lashing out against the injustices and unconstitutional policies of the United States towards his people. He traveled around the country championing on behalf of Native Americans, peacefully fighting for equality and justice until the end of his life.

2. Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi (1869–1948)

Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi

In 2007, the United Nations General Assembly declared the day of Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi’s birth, Oct. 2, as the International Day of Non-Violence, and it’s no wonder. Developing and spreading the art of non-violent civil disobedience and applying it to a large scale, Gandhi — who was commonly known as Mahatma Gandhi — brilliantly brought independence to India and became an inspiration for movements of nonviolence, civil rights and freedom across the world. (Want to know more? 5 things you don't know about Gandhi)

3. Oskar Schindler (1908–1974)

Oskar Schindler

An ethnic German and Catholic, Oskar Schindler was a ruthless industrialist and a member of the Nazi party. Yet despite the foreboding bio, Schindler risked it all to rescue more than 1,000 Jews from deportation to Auschwitz during World War II.

Why did he help? In a 1964 interview he said, “The persecution of Jews in the General Government in Polish territory gradually worsened in its cruelty. In 1939 and 1940, they were forced to wear the Star of David and were herded together and confined in ghettos. In 1941 and 1942, this unadulterated sadism was fully revealed. And then a thinking man, who had overcome his inner cowardice, simply had to help. There was no other choice.”

Schindler died in Germany, broke and virtually unknown, in 1974. Many of the people he helped and their descendants financed the transfer of his body for burial in Israel, his final wish. In 1993, the United States Holocaust Memorial Council posthumously presented the Museum's Medal of Remembrance to Schindler.

4. Rosa Parks (1913–2005)

Rosa Parks, with Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. in the background, around 1955.

Rosa Louise Parks is considered the mother of the modern-day civil rights movement in America. She is famous for refusing to give up her seat on a bus to a while man in Alabama in 1955, leading to her arrest. Protests in the form of sit-ins and eat-ins began in Montgomery and soon spread across the state, the South and the country. As her official biography states, "Her quiet courageous act changed America, its view of black people and redirected the course of history."

She was an activist even prior to the bus incident. In the 1930s, she fought to free the “Scottsboro Boys,” a group of nine young black men falsely accused of raping two white women on a train near Scottsboro, Alabama. Parks and her husband, Raymond Parks, also worked with the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP). She later moved to Detroit and became a deaconess in the African Methodist Episcopal Church. Parks has received more than 43 honorary doctorate degrees, and in 1996, President William Clinton awarded her the Medal of Freedom.

5. Nelson Mandela (1918–2013)

Nelson Mandela

The South African anti-apartheid revolutionary inspired an international campaign for his release from prison where he was serving a life sentence on charges of sabotage and conspiracy to overthrow the government. After 27 years in prison, he was released in 1990; three years later he was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize with F.W. de Klerk for their work to undo South Africa’s racist apartheid policies. In 1994, Mandela was inaugurated as South Africa's first black president, a position he held until 1999. Among other accolades, he has variously been called "the father of the nation,” "the founding father of democracy,” and "the national liberator, the savior, its Washington and Lincoln rolled into one.”

these are 5 there are more but they were main

please mark me as brainliest ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

Answered by SelieVisa


  1. Abraham Lincoln (1809–1865) President of US during the American civil war. Lincoln made the famous Emancipation Proclamation (1863) declaring “that all persons held as slaves” within the rebellious states “are, and henceforward shall be free.” This proclamation was followed by the 13th Amendment to the US Constitution (1865) outlawing slavery.
  2. Harriet_TubmanHarriet Tubman (1822–1913) A former slave who escaped and then returned to lead other slaves to freedom on the Underground Railroad. She became a well-known speaker on the experiences of slavery and an advocate for the rights of African Americans and black women.
  3. dougalssFrederick Douglass (1818–1895) Douglass was a former slave who became committed to working for the emancipation of all slaves and ending the injustice of slavery and racism in America. He gave many stirring speeches criticising injustice and raising the hope for a nation where all people were treated equally regardless of race, sex or religion.
  4. Nelson Mandela (1918–2013) Anti-apartheid leader. Mandela spent over twenty years in jail for his opposition to the racist apartheid system which excluded blacks from many areas of society. He was elected the first President of democratic South Africa in 1994. “I have cherished the ideal of a democratic and free society in which all persons live together in harmony and with equal opportunities.” – Nelson Mandela.
  5. Martin Luther King (1929 – 1968) Non-violent civil rights leader. Inspired the American civil rights movement to achieve greater equality. Helped to organise the 1963 March on Washington, where he gave famous ‘I have a dream’ speech. “I have a dream that one day this nation will rise up and live out the true meaning of its creed: ‘We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal.’

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