collect the information which you have gained from the study of weather conditions in school. explain about the changes in weather conditions in school surrounding
weather conditon to our school suronding we will enjoy and have fun close bye go out
Impact of weather conditions on school surroundings.
My school is located in the beautiful natural atmosphere. It is surrounded by different kinds of trees and plants. Though the atmosphere of school is quite beautiful but definitely the weather create a impact on the surroundings of a school.
It is observed that in rainy season the whole campus is beautiful, green and attractive. all the trees and plants are look green and fresh. Even the small grass of the ground of school and different flowers of plants adds beauty to the atmosphere.
In winter it is observed that the grass of the ground is reduced in large extent. but trees like mango tree, berry tree and other different trees are started giving the fruits. The whole atmosphere is cold and refreshing.
In summer it is observed that the grass of ground is completely vanished. Even trees are bare. The atmosphere is dry and hot. Though school is surrounded with trees but sometimes in summer it is difficult to sit in the class and attend afternoon lectures.
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