Collect the official data about present and a decade old population of various Asian countries and plot a graph of that data. With the help of it, draw your conclusions about demographic changes.
Demographic transition is the transition from high birth and death rates to lower birth and death rates as a country or region develops from a pre-industrial to an industrialized economic system
Demographic changes can affect GDP growth through several channels. First, lower growth in population directly implies reduced labor input. Second, lower population growth has an indirect potentially negative impact on individual labor supply insofar as it leads to higher tax rates which reduce the incentive to work
●The current population of Asia is 4,560,382,598 as of Saturday, ●November 17, 2018, based on the latest United Nations estimates.
●Asia population is equivalent to 59.66% of the total world population.
●Asia ranks number 1 among regions of the world (roughly equivalent to "continents"), ordered by population.
●The population density in Asia is 146 per Km2 (379 people per mi2).
The total land area is 31,033,131 Km2 (11,981,954 sq. miles).
●49.6 % of the population is urban (2,255,992,118 people in 2018)
The median age in Asia is 30.7 years.
The demographic information for a particular population represents the information such as age, gender, occupation, income etc.
From the data collected, there are some positive trends being reflected.
There is a significant increase in life expectancy as death rate has reduced.
This is because of the advancement in science and medical care.
The median age in Asia is 30.7 years. The demographic information for a particular population represents the information such as age, gender, occupation, income etc. From the data collected, there are some positive trends being reflected. There is a significant increase in life expectancy as death rate has reduced.
hope the answer is helpful