English, asked by naohrv6armafathy, 1 year ago

College Library FinesIn a college library fines are issued according to the subsequent condition. If return books exceeds the due date. Up to five days 20 rs fine. 6-10 days 50 rs fine. >10 days 100 rs fine. More than 30 days membership will be cancelled. Get the due date from the user and compute.


Answered by kvnmurty
#include <stdio.h>
#include <windows.h>        // or time.h  for  unix

// we will not consider leap year, daylight savings for this simple program

// first entry for dec. last entry is also dec.
int yearDays[13] = {31, 62,90, 121, 151, 182, 212, 243, 274, 304, 335, 365, 396 };
int monthDays[13] = {31, 31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31 };

main ()
     int fine, curDate, curMonth, dueDate, dueMonth, m, n;
     char *msg;

     getCurMonth(&curDate,  &curMonth);
     getDueDateMonth(&dueDate, &dueMonth);
     if (dueMonth==12  && curMonth == 1)
           m = dueDate;
          m = dueDate + yearDays[dueMonth-1];

     n = curDate + yearDays[curMonth-1] ;
     fine = CalculateFine (m, n);

    switch (fine) {
         case -1:     cancelMemberShip();
             msg = "Due date More than 30 days. Membership Cancelled\n";
         case 0:   msg = "Good Day Member \n"; break;
         default:   sprintf(msg,"%s : %d,  "Pay Fine ",  fine);  break;
       printf("%s \n", msg);

int CalculateFine (int m, int n) 
     int fine;
      if (m >= n) ; fine = 0;
      else if (n - m <= 5) fine = 20;
      else if (n - m <= 10) fine = 50;
      else if (n - m <= 30) fine = 100;
      else fine = -1;

getDueDateMonth(int *date, int *month) 
     printf("enter due month: "); scanf("%d", date);
     printf("enter due date : ");  scanf("%d", month);


getCurDateMonth(int *date, int *month)
     // for windows
      SYSTEM_TIME  str_time ;
       GetSystemTime( &str_time);
            *date = str_time.wDay ;
           *month = str_time.wMonth;
     // for unix
       // use asctime() ;    or ctime();
       // get the data and month
       // or use   system("date  >> file");

kvnmurty: clik on thanks. select best ans..
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