Chemistry, asked by chandu987, 9 months ago

colloidal solution of gold is prepared by which method

please answer in steps​


Answered by kirti222

Sols of gold, silver, platinum etc. are obtained by the reduction of dilute solutions of their salts with a suitable reducing agent. For example, gold sol can be obtained by reducing a dilute aqueous solution of gold with stannous chloride. The gold sol thus obtained is called purple of Cassius.

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Answered by Anonymous


Colloids can be prepared by a variety of techniques involving physical, chemical as well as some dispersion methods. These techniques are based on a variety of principles. Let us explore more these techniques for Preparation of Colloids.

These involve electrical disintegration and peptidization.

Electrical Disintegration: It is the combination of dispersion and condensation. This technique is most commonly used for the preparation of colloidal solutions of metals such as gold, silver, platinum, etc. It involves the use of two metal electrodes dipped in a dispersion medium. An electrical arc of intense heat is produced vaporizing some of the metal. The vapours condense to form precipitates which are of colloidal dimensions.

Peptidization: Precipitate can be converted into colloidal form by shaking with dispersion medium in the presence of small amount of peptidization agent. It is an electrolyte used to convert fresh precipitate into a colloidal solution. Such precipitates are aggregates of colloidal particles held by weak forces.

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