colour different road signs and identify any five signs showing rotational symmetry
Many shapes have rotational symmetry, such as rectangles, squares, circles, and all regular polygons. Choose an object and rotate it up to 180 degrees around its center. If at any point the object appears exactly like it did before the rotation, then the object has rotational symmetry.
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that has gray function I(x, y),(x=0, ..., M −1,y =0, ..., N −1) is given as [18],mpq =x=M−1x=0y=N−1y=0(x)p(y)qI(x, y)(1)p, q =0,1,2, ...The moments f(x, y)translated by an amount (a, b), aredefined as,μpq =x=M−1x=0y=N−1y=0(x−a)p(y−b)qI(x, y)(2)Then central moment μpq can be calculated from equation2 by substituting a=xand b=y. Wherex=xyxI(x, y )xyI(x, y)y=xyyI(x, y)xyI(x, y)(3)μpq =xy(x−x)p(y−y)qI(x, y)(4)We get the normalized moment ηpq by applying a scalingnormalization to the centralized moment in equation 4.ηpq =xy(x−x)p(y−y)qI(x, y)(xyI(x, y)) p+q+22(5)Invariants to translation and scaling are trivial since cen-tral and normalized moments are invariant to translation andscaling. Invariants to rotation was first .