English, asked by bintutanwarcom, 5 months ago

Combine the following sentences to form comple
(ix) It is my opinion. The room needs to be pa
(xi) The woman put the bag down. The bag
(The Swan Song)
(x) The guavas are not sweet. The guavas are
Is the document
e Monkey's Paw
give her husband complete the following sentences using Noun
(xii) I don't know
(xiii) I can't say
(xiv) Tell me
(xv) I agree
is not known to me.
Before Breakfast
res permanence
the poem.
his country?​


Answered by thayyilunni


1. My opinion is that the room needs to be pa......


xii. I don't know what would be the correct answer.

xiii. I can't say if he is available now or not.

xiv. Tell me if you can help me.

xv. I agree that India is a rich country with poor people.


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