English, asked by shahadatalom254, 3 months ago

Comic Strip Sometimes, words alone just won’t do. Visual mediums, like comics, have the advantage of being able to express emotion, reveal inner monologues, and explain complex subjects in ways that words on their own seldom can. Create your own comic strip that explores some aspect of life during the pandemic. You can sketch and colour your comic. Need inspiration? If you’re keeping a quarantine journal you might create a graphic story based on a week of your life, or just a small part of it -- like the meals you ate, the video games you played, a visit to the beach or the conversations you had with your family/ friends etc. The comic strip should have (1) a caption suitable for the situation. (2)at least 8-10 panels. (3) pictures and dialogues in bubbles. Make sure the multiple panel is in accordance with the situation​


Answered by ahanrbhat


please write the qustion small


i dont know the answer

Answered by irinangela10


holiday hw answer right?


u will not get it lol

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