Coming together of live and neutral wire in a circuit.
If the plastic insulation of the live wire and neutral wire gets torn,then the two wires touch each other. This touching of the live wire and the neutral wire directly is known as short circuit. When the two wires touch each other the resistance of the circuit so formed is very very small. since the resistance is very small the current flowing through the wires become very last and heat the wire to dangerously high temperature and a fire may be started.
Answer: Mate here is the answer
If the plastic insulation of the live wire and neutral wire gets torn,then the two wires touch each other. This touching of the live wire and the neutral wire directly is known as short circuit. When the two wires touch each other the resistance of the circuit so formed is very very small. since the resistance is very small the current flowing through the wires become very last and heat the wire to dangerously high temperature and a fire may be started