comment on rushdie's use of language in midnight's children
Get an answer for 'Comment on the language of Midnight's Children. ... I think that some of the distinctive language featured in Rushdie's novel can center on how Saleem tells the ... What is the role of the epic structure in Midnight's Children?
Salman Rushdie, who has left great contribution in Indian fiction in English, has
penned his novels in a language that attracts more probing critical attention. This
paper, however, is woven around the functionality of Rushdie’s language in
Midnight’s Children only.He address the issue of narratorial complex that
incorporates only vocabulary and syntax. Rushdie rejected correct English i.e the
“classical” which for him means “colonial.” Experimenting at the lexical level, he
instills a considerable number of Hindi, Urdu and Hindustani lexical items into his
English, e.g.: ‘angrez,’ ‘baba,’ ‘baap- re- baap.’The linguist sitting in Rushdie produces
the effect of onomatopoeia with sounds typically Indian, for example., wham
bamshot,’ ‘doomboombadoom,’ Thaiii! Thaiii! ‘khrikk-khrikk,’ ‘dharrraaammm,’ etc.
He rejected the notion of the purity or centrality of English by introducing novel
forms of existing English words as well as of Indian lexical items through audaciously
creative hybridization just as ‘mediocrely,’ ‘dislikeable,’ ‘alienness,’ ‘writery,’ ‘doctori’
‘Bombayness,’ ‘chutnification. This orientation of language enables the novelist to see
and express his experience of a hybridized and complex cultural reality lending it an
impact of immediacy, to help capture the natural rhythms of Indian speech habits
and of the basic tenor of sub-continental life. This “chutnification” of language shows
how Rushdie takes pain in depicting his experience with great earnestness, using all
the resources he can wield. Rushdie’s seeds of certain words, phrases and
expressions sown in the novel raises him to the higher plane of master linguist.
Key Words- Contribution ,incorporate, linguist, lexical & orientation.