Comment on seed legislation in India.
hey mate here is your answer....
Seed Legislation in India
In India, until the mid-1960s, there was no legislation governing thequality of seeds sold to farmers. The rapid development of agricultural production with theintroduction of hybrid varieties of maize, jowar and bajra, anddwarf varieties of wheat and paddy necessitated the enactment of seed legislation. On 29
December 1966, the Seeds Act was passed. It came into force throughout the country on 2
October 1969.
ain featuresfeatures
of the Act are as follows:of the Act are as follows:
It is applicable only to notified kinds/varieties of seed andvegetatively propagating materials used for sowing.
Sanctioning legislation:
The Act provides for the formation of an apexadvisory body (the CSC), the CSCB, establishment of SCAs, and the CSTL andSSTLs, etc.
Regulatory legislation:
The Act provides for the provisions for notificationof kinds / varieties to be brought under the purview of the Seeds Act; regulationregarding the sale of seed; and the establishment of a suitable law enforcementmachinery. Under the Act, the Central Government is empowered to make rules tocarry out the purposes of the Act and to give directions to State Governments, if necessary, for carrying into execution, in the state concerned, the provisions of theAct or Rules.
Seed Legislation in India
Uploaded by Priyanka Mohapatra
1. Central Seed Committee2. Central Seed Certification Board3. State Seed Certification Agencies4. Central Seed Testing Laboratory 5. State Seed Testing Laboratories6. Appellate Authority 7. Recognition of Seed Certification Agencies of Foreign Countries
Statutory Bodies and Agencies established in India underStatutory Bodies and Agencies established in India underthe Seeds Act, 1966the Seeds Act, 1966
Statutory Regulations regarding Seed CertificationStatutory Regulations regarding Seed Certification
Under the provisions of the Seeds Act, 1966, Seed Certification is voluntary. It is left open to seed producing and marketing agencies whether to get theirseed certified or not. The work of seed certification can be done only by an officially sanctionedagency notified for a particular area. Further, seed certification can be done only in regard to varieties notified underthe provisions of the Seeds Act. The certified seed producers are required to comply with all the requirements setforth for seed certification by the certification agency. In case of a rejection or revocation, the certified seed producer may prefer anappeal against the decision of seed certification agency to the appellate authority within 30 days from the date on which the decision is communicated to him.
RegulatoryRegulatory LegislationsLegislations
The Central Government after consultation with the CSC can issue notificationfor such kinds/varieties for which it is of the opinion that it has become necessary to regulate the quality of seed to be sold for the purposes of agriculture. The notification brings such kinds/varieties under the purview of the Seeds Act. Under Section 7 of the Act, the seeds of notified kinds / varieties can be sold incontainers only, if they are either labelled or certified and meet the minimumprescribed requirements. The label on the seed containers should contain information such as kind, variety,lot number, date of test, inert matter (%), pure seed (%), other crop seeds (%),weed seeds (%), germination (%), net content, seller·s name and address. If treated, then it should be mentioned as´
Do not use for food, feed or oil purposes
Seed Law Enforce
entSeed Law Enforce
The responsibility for enforcing various provisions regarding regulation of sale of seeds of notified kinds / varieties rests with the seed inspectors.Duties of theDuties of the
seed inspectorseed inspector
Inspect as frequently as may be required all places used for growing, storage or saleof any seed of any notified kind or variety. Satisfy himself that the conditions of the certificates / labels are being observed. Procure and send for analysis, if necessary, samples of any seeds, which he hasreason to suspect, are being produced, stocked or sold or exhibited for sale incontravention of the provisions of the Act or the Rules. Investigate any complaint, which may be made to him in writing in respect of any contravention of the provisions of the Act or the Rules.
hope it helps you mark it brainliest if you like ^.^