English, asked by jaswantkumarmeher, 8 months ago

Complete The Following Sentences. 81. I think ................................... time to call it quits. a) it's b) its 82. I like that teacher. She is ................................ a) good b) well 83. She has got longer hair ................................ I have. a) than b) then
84. ................................. is a bridge across the river. a) Their b) There 85. ................................... coat is this? a) Whose b) Who's 86. He was angry, ............................... I said nothing. so therefore hence 87. This is my friend ....................................... works with me. he who whom 88. . ................................. I was trying to concentrate, he was disturbing me. Since While Whereas 89. .................................... I fired at the tiger, he shook my arm. Since As Then
90. This is my house ................................. I live. where there here
Determine The Meaning Of The Bolded Expression. Choose The Best Answer.
91. He said it would be a PIECE OF CAKE to get an “A” on his test.
a. almost impossible
b. very easy
c. very exciting
d. a small chore
92. As this was his first time camping, they KEPT AN EYE ON him.
a. Considered
b. Checked on
c. Closely observed
d. Looked at
93. If you GIVE ME A HAND, I’ll be able to go out with you.
a. lift me up
b. help me
c. hold my hand
d. take my hand
94. There is no sense in CRYING OVER SPILT MILK.
a. Something that was going to happen
b. Something that could have been avoided
c. Something that you didn’t know about
d. Something that can’t be changed
95. I’m so glad I brought an umbrella because it’s RAINING CATS AND DOGS now.
a. It’s starting to sprinkle
b. It’s about to rain
c. It’s starting to clear up
d. It’s raining very heavily
96. Mr. Steven’s new truck is a big WHITE ELEPHANT that his wife hates.
a. Something amazing and very useful
b. Something very expensive and useless
c. Something very big and useful
d. Something cheap and useless
97. All in all
a. Every person
b. Particular thing same in all
c. Call all at once
d. Most important
98. Apple Pie Order
a. In random order
b. Related to fruits packing
c. Related to dry fruit packing
d. In perfect order
99. At logger heads
a. In difficulty
b. to be at strife
c. very happy together
d. None of above
100. At a loss
a. at a business loss
b. at a relation loss
c. to be unable to decide
d. none of above
Soft Speaking Skills
101. Which of the following is NOT a barrier to effective communication?
a. Poor listening skills
b. Language
c. Stereotyping
d. Asking questions
102. What is teamwork?
a. The ability to do something without being asked.
b. The ability to work with others to get the job done.
c. The ability to get people to do what you want.
d. The ability to clearly express yourself.
103. Teamwork involves which one of these?
a. Building relationships
b. Working with other people
c. Important skills and experiences
d. All of the above
104. When active listening, your focus should be on...
a. What the speaker is saying
b. What's for lunch
c. What's the fastest way out of the conversation
d. What I should say next
105. In active listening, you should always maintain ________ contact.
a. Hand
b. Feet
c. Eye
d. Arm Length
106. Arriving or doing something at the expected or planned time is ________________
a. Punctuality
b. Attendance
c. Character
d. self discipline
107. Which of the following is NOT a soft skill?
a. Professionalism
b. Communication skills
c. Time management skills
d. Typing skills
108. Effectively presenting your thoughts and ideas, verbally and in writing.
a. Teamwork
b. Perseverance
c. Communication
d. Respect
109. Having a positive outlook can affect your
a. Performance
b. Confidence
c. Health
d. All of the above
110. What is teamwork?
a. The ability to do something without being asked.
b. The ability to work with others to get the job done.
c. The ability to get people to do what you want.
d. The ability to clearly express yourself


Answered by TheDivineSoul

100) business loss

101) language

102) (b)

103) (d)

104) (a)

105) eye

106) punctuality

107) (a)

108) communication

109) (d)

110) (b)

Answered by Anonymous

Hello Friend..!!

The answer of your question is..!!






86) so





91) (B)




















Thank you..!!

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