communication is very important in life explain
Communication is deeply intertwined with the human existence. It is an integral part of it. One cannot think of human life without communication. Can you imagine what would happen if you are not allowed to talk for a long time? You would feel suffocated.
In personal life, we need to communicate to deal with various concerns and problems of daily life. In professional life also, it is communication that helps us to build healthy relations and credibility with co-workers.
Only speaking/talking is not communication. Communication can take place in many forms. Sometimes, we communicate by ‘talking’ about our ideas, thoughts or emotions; at other times, we may wish to communicate through the written word or even non-verbally. Whatever form we choose, getting the message across is what communication is all about.
Communication is a process that is dynamic, continuous, and irreversible but at the same time, it is reciprocal in nature. It is an ongoing process.
Roughly, we can define communication as a shared meaning between two or more individuals. The shared meaning arises out of the individual’s experiences, background, education and training. Similarity in experiences, background, training, etc. makes communication successful between individuals.
Communication helps us to understand others. The inability to communicate can lead to a lot of problems both personally and professionally.
Imagine a day without communicating! We can instantly feel the void it would create. Can we ever forget that it is our ability to communicate verbally that distinguishes us from animals? Communication helps form a powerful bond among people and makes us social beings.
Besides, knowledge is not the sole requirement for the achievement of success. A person may possess good knowledge, but his/her performance will be evaluated largely on the basis of his/her ability to communicate. Therefore, if you are a good communicator, you have better chances of success in life and in business.
Communication has become indispensable today. Human activity will come to a standstill if there is no communication. All human transactions become possible only through communication. It is the life-blood of every business organization. Especially in today’s globalized market economy, effective communication is vital to the success and survival of any organization.
Businesses need people with good communication skills because communication is an essential part of the kind of work that is done in business organizations. It extends across all areas of business, including managerial, technical, clerical and social positions.
In present times, several factors have contributed to the significance of communication. They are-
faster means of communication because of scientific and technological advancements
shrinking geographical boundaries because of the availability of faster means of transport
growth of the multinational companies that has resulted in the creation of a globalized market economy
generation of highly advanced management techniques as a result of the growing importance of professionalism in the management of business
the information revolution that has brought with it highly sophisticated networking technologies
multiplication of systems of communication at all levels of organization because of specialized knowledge that has lead to departmentalization
advancements in the field of social sciences such as in psychology and in sociology that have created an awareness about the human mind and behaviour and how they influence communication
Answer: communication is very important in plays a very crucial and vital role in our lifes. it helps us to share our thoughts and knowledge with other people which creates development in societies.
communication is the basic foundation of human society.communication helps us work together efficiently.
we all can use communication to express ourselves.
Communication Is Integral To Human Life.
hopw this helps...