Communication skills in social work practice in india
Pamela Trevithick is Senior Lecturer in the School for Policy Studies at the
University of Bristol. Sally Richards is a Lecturer in the School of Health and
Social Care at the University of Reading. Gillian Ruch is a Lecturer in the
Division of Social Work Studies at the University of Southampton. Bernard
Moss is a Principal Lecturer in Social Work and Applied Studies and a Learning
and Teaching Fellow at Staffordshire University.
Linda Lines is a Lecturer in Work-based Learning in the Department of Social
Work at the Open University. Oded Manor is an Independent Groupwork
Consultant, formerly Principal Lecturer in Social Work, Middlesex University.
The right of Pamela Trevithick, Sally Richards, Gillian Ruch, Bernard Moss, Linda
Lines and Oded Manor to be identified as authors of this work has been asserted
by them in accordance with the 1988 Copyright, Designs and Patents Act.