English, asked by taakirutum564, 17 days ago

communication with superior involves​


Answered by KimBunny


In an organization, communication occurs between members of different hierarchical positions. Superior-subordinate communication refers to the interactions between organizational leaders and their subordinates and how they work together to achieve personal and organizational goals[1] Satisfactory upward and downward communication is essential for a successful organization because it closes the gap between superior and subordinates by increasing the levels of trust, support, and the frequency of their interactions.

Answered by sarahssynergy

Communication with superiors comes under Upward communication, where one communicates with another who is on a higher hierarchical level than them.


  • When communicating with a superior, it’s important to know their preferred method of communication.
  • This allows you to be as efficient as possible, and also shows that you are a team player who is committed to the success of the company and the department.
  • Ask your mentor or another team member when you can call or email the person to get their “preferred mode of communication.”
  • Then, be sure to use that method to continue the conversation.
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