Social Sciences, asked by sonishakh982, 10 months ago

community life promotes a feeling of


Answered by vaibhavipardeshi2710

Compromise is made possible when each side values more the things thatcan be achieved than the things they are required to give up. People ofgood will transmit the desirable into the necessary, acknowledging thesocial, cultural, moral and/or political constraints.Compromise has preconditions. The discussion presupposes that someforms of communication and cooperation take place between the involvedparties (notice that compromise requires some kind of cooperation, but notall forms of cooperation require compromise), and that the parties speakthe same language, in the sense that they share some basic norms whichform the grounds for potential understanding. Here I refer to the under-pinning foundations of every democracy: the norms of respecting othersand of not harming others. When divergences become so fundamental thatthey can no longer be compounded, then no compromise can be reached(Sabatier and Jenkins-Smith 1993, chaps. 2, 3). There is simply nothing totalk about. Thus, to reach an agreement or some form of understanding, anappeal to common norms has to be made. Sometimes the appeal also mustinclude norms known to be of value to only one of the sides (say, A). Thiscan be done if these norms are not repugnant to the other side (B). B mayregard some norms as inconvenient, yet may view them as practical andacceptable, necessary to make communal life possible (for example, accept-ing A’s request to refrain from playing the drums and listening to loudmusic late at night). Then B may recognize the force or sincerity of theopponent’s view and—while not agreeing with A’s position (B wouldprefer to play music 24 hours a day)—accept A’s right to hold it.Another favorable (but not necessary) condition for compromise ismutual respect. Gutmann and Thompson explain that mutual respectrequires a favourable attitude toward, and constructive engagement with,the persons with whom one disagrees and consists in an excellence ofcharacter that permits a democracy to flourish in the face of fundamentalmoral disagreement (Gutmann and Thompson 1996, 79). In compromise,interests are accommodated rather than regulated, and this accommodationshould be inspired by the respect we feel for the autonomy of the other.2When we are sensitive to the rights of the other, then we will prefersettlement to coercion, and we will be more willing to acknowledge theneed for concessions in order to reach an agreement. Different types ofconflict will generate different sorts of compromise, according to the natureof the diversity at issue, the content and context of the dispute, and thecomplexion of the groups involved. Political conflicts are usually dividedinto three categories: conflicts over scarce resources, ideological conflicts2Stephen Darwall (1977) distinguished between recognition respect and appraisal respect: Theformer being respect we ought to have to all human beings, while the latter means having apositive attitude toward a person above and beyond mere respect for her as a person. HereI am using the term “respect” as to mean recognition respect.436 Raphael Cohen-Almagor© 2006 The Author. Journal compilation © 2006 Blackwell Publishing Ltd. Ratio Juris

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