Companies can conduct their own marketing research or hire other companies to do it for them. Some of ways companies can creatively and affordably conduct research include engage students or professors to design and carry out projects; use the Internet; check out rivals; tap into marketing partner expertise; and tap into employee creativity and wisdom. Assume that you are the country manager of Honda Atlas Cars Pakistan, and your company want to launch an electric SUV in Pakistan. Discuss which marketing research method you will use to understand the preferences of the customer about an electric SUV in the context of Pakistan. And explain why you use that specific marketing research method in the context of Pakistan?
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Companies can conduct their own marketing research or hire other companies to do it for them. Some of ways companies can creatively and affordably conduct research include engage students or professors to design and carry out projects; use the Internet; check out rivals; tap into marketing partner expertise; and tap into employee creativity and wisdom. Assume that you are the country manager of PAK Suzuki Motor Company Limited, and your company wants to launch a hybrid 1000 cc car in Pakistan. Discuss which marketing research method you will use to understand the preferences of the customers about a hybrid 1000 cc car in the context of Pakistan. And explain why you use that specific marketing research method in the context of Pakistan?